MPE Fluoride Varnish Program

Fluoride varnish is a protective gel that is painted onto the teeth, providing important topical fluoride. Topical fluoride has been shown in many scientific studies to prevent cavities and to delay the progression of cavities.

The MPE Fund is committed to improving the oral health of our members. We feel that as many children as possible should have access to this important treatment that may reduce or prevent cavities. Fluoride varnish is a covered benefit under the MPE Fund’s dental plans.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children be seen by a dentist no later than the age of twelve (12) months. We know, however, that many young children have not been seen by a dentist. By the age of 2, a child has been seen an average of seven (7) times by a physician but not once by a dentist.

Because we want to encourage children to receive this important disease prevention treatment, we have created the MPE Fluoride Varnish Program. This program will reimburse you up to $36 for the cost of having your child’s physician or medical health professional apply fluoride varnish if this treatment is recommended. Your child must be under the age of 3 to be eligible. The Fund will reimburse up to three (3) applications per year. This is in addition to any applications received at a dental office.

Please contact the MPE Fund office at (800) 325-5214 for a brochure which describes this benefit in more detail, including how to submit for reimbursement. You may also download the brochure here. Also, we strongly recommend you establish a “dental home” for your child. If your child is not currently enrolled in the MPE Vision and Dental Health Plans, please contact us immediately for an enrollment form.

Also, we strongly recommend you establish a “dental home” for your child. If your child is not currently enrolled in the MPE Vision and Dental Health Care Plans, please contact us immediately for an enrollment form. There is no additional cost to you to add eligible dependents to your vision and dental health plans. We want to ensure that your child has access to all necessary and appropriate benefits that may help them grow up cavity free!